Are you ready to make composting a breeze? GreenBox is here to revolutionize how you manage food scraps and yard waste with our convenient home composting service. Whether you’re new to composting or a seasoned pro, we’re here to help you create a greener tomorrow.
As a GreenBox Onsite Member, you have two simple options:
Start Your Own Compost Pile: If you’re ready to compost at home, we’ll help you set up and maintain a thriving compost system.
Let Us Handle It: Prefer to leave composting to the experts? No problem! We’ll take care of your compost for you.
Here’s how it works:We’ll provide you with a durable, easy-to-use 2-gallon bucket for collecting your food scraps and compostable materials. On your designated visit day, simply leave the bucket on your porch. Our team will pick it up, take care of the composting process, and leave you with a fresh, clean bucket ready for the week ahead. It’s that simple!
Here's a handy list of the things you can and can't include in your compost bucket:
What You Can Include
Kitchen Scraps:
Fruit and vegetable peels
Coffee grounds and filters
Tea bags (ensure they're not plastic)
Eggshells (crushed)
Nut shells (non-salted)
Yard Waste:
Grass clippings
Flowers and plant trimmings
Brown (Carbon-Rich) Materials:
Shredded paper (non-glossy)
Cardboard (cut into small pieces)
Dried leaves
Sawdust (untreated wood)
Straw and hay
Other Natural Materials:
Hair and fur
Wood ash (in small amounts)
What You Can't Include
Food Waste:
Meat, fish, and poultry
Dairy products (milk, cheese, butter)
Greasy or oily foods
Cooked food scraps
Yard and Garden Waste:
Diseased plants
Weeds with seeds
Treated or painted wood
Non-Compostable Materials:
Plastic, metal, or glass
Glossy or coated paper
Biodegradable plastics (often not home-compostable)
Harmful Substances:
Pet waste (e.g., dog or cat feces)
Chemically treated grass clippings
Charcoal or coal ash